Low Porosity Hair: characteristics, care tips

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    Are you the owner of low porosity hair? If so, congratulations! No doubt, you are the envy of many women. Low-Perflected hair is the healthiest of all hair types. Its cuticles are sealed and it looks gorgeous. They do not shed moisture as quickly as highly- and medium-styled hair. However, the perfect look and condition of your hair does not mean that you should not take good care of it. In order to keep your hair in top condition, it is important to take care of it properly.   


    Low-porous hair is difficult to color and style because of its closed cuticle. It can quickly revert to its pre-treatment form (even with the help of hot air and cosmetic styling products). The scalp of people with low-pored hair types very often becomes greasy. This also contributes to low hair volume at the roots.

    Keep in mind that regardless of the porosity of your hair, you can opt for hair extensions. Go for a long blonde wig  or curly brown wig.

    Low-Porosity Hair Care  

    Low-Perflected hair is the least demanding hair type in terms of hair care. Due to its natural healthy look it does not need many care steps and it is better to limit the amount of products used on it. It is better to limit the number of products used on them because they may overload the often already naturally limp hair. Instead, a mild cleansing shampoo and a light conditioner will do the trick. From time to time (e.g. once a week) you should also apply an oil, to which low-porous hair reacts well, overnight. The best choices are low-molecular oils that contain mostly saturated acids, such as coconut oil, palm oil, peanut oil and shea butter. Small oil molecules have a chance to reach between the closely spaced hair cuticles.  


    Low-poor hair does not require as much meticulous care as high-poor or even medium-poor hair. However, this does not mean that you should not take care of it at all. The disadvantage of this type of hair is that it poorly absorbs the active ingredients in cosmetics. 

    The disadvantage of this type of hair is that it does not absorb active ingredients well. Low-Roiled hair is therefore prone to oiliness. Then apply a lightweight conditioner. Gently massage your scalp while shampooing your hair. The scalp should be massaged gently while shampooing to remove sebum and impurities. Finish off with a cool stream of water. 

    Low Hair Porosity: How Do I Care for It?

    It is best not to go to bed with a wet head of hair. Although low-porous hair is much more durable than high-porous hair, this does not mean that it cannot be damaged or broken. Take care of your strands and they will stay smooth, shiny and beautiful. 

    For low-pored hair, we recommend lightweight and non-stressing products, such as: 

    • conditioners and masks that do not contain emollients and a lot of silicones;  
    • moisturizing (humectant) hair conditioners;  
    • Cleansing and volumizing shampoos for frequent use;  
    • cosmetic preparations containing e.g. disodium edetate (disodium EDTA); these may serve to chelate the hair.  

    Care of the scalp should be directed at the reduction of skin sebum secretion. For this purpose, herbal shampoos, which regulate the sebaceous glands of the skin, and clay masks, which also reduce sebum secretion, should be used.   


    Importantly, prolonged improper care may lead to the separation of hair scales and change their type. In this case, the hair may progress from medium to highly porous.  

    Low Rough Hair is, according to some, the ideal hair type that most hair care methods strive for. It is healthy, shiny and soft to the touch. In addition to the obvious benefits of having naturally low-pored hair, there is one big downside - it is quite resistant to styling. Fortunately, there are many products on the market that help make styling of low-pored hair easier and longer.  

    Cosmetics for Low-Performance Hair

    Which shampoo is right for low-pored hair? The first consideration is the right shampoo. If you have low-poly hair, you need not be afraid of SLS and similar cleansing ingredients. These substances lather very well and have good cleansing properties. They are therefore suitable for women with very porous hair that is prone to oiliness. 

    However, if you are worried about irritation you may want to replace SLS-containing products with vegetable cleansers like mint, nettle or citrus fruits. Another option is to alternate between a strong shampoo with SLS and a gentler product without this ingredient. 

    Oils for Low-Performance Hair

    Think healthy, low-pored hair doesn't need to be oiled? This is a mistake. The right oil can make strands even smoother, shinier and more nourished. Choosing the right product is the key to success. Since the cuticles of low-pored hair are tightly clumped together, they won't let large molecule polyunsaturated fats through. Saturated oils with small molecules will work much better. These include:

    • coconut oil,
    • cocoa butter,
    • shea butter,
    • mango butter,
    • cupuacu butter,
    • babassu oil,
    • palm oil,
    • castor oil,
    • murumuru butter.

    You can also mix individual fats together. This may be necessary for hard butters - such as cocoa or shea. Just heat the product and mix it with a slightly more liquid fat, and you're done.

    Oils for low-porous hair can be applied either dry or wet. In the first version, all you need to do is apply the fat mixture to your combed hair. Keep the mixture on your head for about an hour or even more. Then rinse the mixture out of your hair.

    Wet oiling involves applying the appropriate fat to damp hair. Washing out oil from wet strands is much easier than from dry strands but many people may find it difficult to remove the oil from their wet scalp. Try both methods and decide for yourself which one appeals to you more.

    To wash oil out of low-porous hair, first work with an emulsifying conditioner. Apply a portion of humectant or emollient conditioner to the strands where you previously kept the oil. Then rinse your head with water and massage it in circular motions so that the conditioner blends well with the oil. After 15 minutes, rinse it off and wash your hair with a suitable shampoo.

    It is enough to treat your low-pile hair once a week as it does not need as much nourishment and regeneration as high-pile strands. Remember to rinse your hair with a cold stream of water. This will close the cuticles and prevent your hair from turning greasy so intensely.