What causes hair breakage? Top 5 common causes

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    Brittle hair is a common problem, which is the result of many factors. Hair breakage can be caused by health problems, but most often its poor condition is the result of improper care and unhealthy lifestyle. The way to combat dry and damaged hair is good quality conditioners and shampoos, containing substances with regenerative and strengthening effects. In order to nourish hair, it is worth adopting a diet rich in vitamins and nutrients promoting its growth and resistance. 

    Why does hair become brittle and dry? Hair breakage treatment

    The problem of brittle and dry hair is widely known. However, not everyone knows how to nourish hair and, more importantly, how to prevent its deterioration in the future. Dry hair loses its natural fatty cuticle, making it brittle and fragile. In most cases, this is due to unfavourable environmental conditions. The condition of hair is negatively affected by exposure to high temperature (UV radiation), as well as in the sauna or sunbeds. It is also harmful to wash your hair in water that is too hot (just like in water that is too cold) and styling treatments that take place with high temperatures, such as frequent drying, using a straightener and curling iron. It is worth remembering that the lack of a headgear during the cold weather is also responsible for damaged hair. 

    Damage from the hair elastic

    Smoking cigarettes and drinking excessive amounts of alcohol contribute to brittle hair. Their condition deteriorates significantly as a result of frequent bathing in chlorinated swimming pool water and salt water. Breaking hair is also the effect of bad environmental conditions - dry, hot air, strong wind, environmental pollution. Hair becomes dry as a result of using unsuitable care cosmetics, which, when used in excessive quantities, make the hair become overweight. 

    One of the ways to prevent hair damage are proper cosmetics. Hair extension brush and thermal protection serum - all products can be found in our online store. Our work and passion is professional hair extensions. So we offer our customers the highest quality products, ideal for hair extensions, like the best hair brush to prevent breakage. We know how much you enjoy the healthy condition of your hair. This is why our product range includes only the highest quality products. 

    Hair loss, brittleness and dullness are also greatly influenced by diet. Hair health is not favoured by large amounts of sugars and fats, and the problem is intensified by vitamin deficiency. In addition, it should be kept in mind that it is much more difficult to maintain healthy hair when it undergoes frequent beauty treatments in hairdressing salons. The problem of brittle hair is to typical after colouring, brightening or permanent waving/perming. All these treatments can cause irritation of the scalp, which causes disorders of the natural bacterial flora of the skin and as a result leads to weakening of the hair structure. 

    Breaking hair - internal causes 

    What causes breakage in natural hair? The fact that the majority of the hair is external to the skin does not mean that it does not need the right internal conditions, which most people forget. The internal causes of damaged, breaking hair are: 

    •         Stress - both emotional and physically due to exposing the body to chemicals/artificial substances, e.g. drugs
    •         Inadequate hydration of the body - daily water intake should be between 1.5 and 3 litres per day; a decrease in hydration will cause dryness of hair
    •         Skin diseases - an example is AZS (atopic dermatitis) - weakens the functioning of the lipid mantle; hair becomes dry and the scalp is susceptible to infections
    •         Eating disorders – a restrictive diet leads to a shortage of valuable nutrients necessary to maintain healthy hair
    •         Fluctuations in hormone concentrations (e.g. postnatal period, hyperthyroidism) can cause excessive hair loss, dullness and split ends. 

    Breakable hair - what to do? How to care for dry and damaged hair? 

    Healthy, beautiful, shiny hair needs proper care. You should be systematic and patient here, because the approximate time for regeneration of damaged hair is about 3 months. Remember that there can be many reasons for damaged hair - incorrect brushing and combing are also a factor. 

    First of all, it is worth choosing shampoos that have mild detergents in their composition. It is also worth using the OMO washing method in this case. It involves first of all the application of hair render (it can be a weaker conditioner that contains less nutrients). When not rinsed out of the hair, it will protect it, especially the ends, from the drying effect of detergents during the next stage - washing with shampoo. The third step is to re-apply a slightly stronger conditioner with moisturising and nourishing properties. 

    How to protect hair during sleep?

    It is worth remembering not to wash your hair too often as every contact with water causes drying of your hair and loss of moisture. Instead of frequent washing, a moisturising mist can be used. An interesting fact is that curly hair conditioners will also work perfectly for everyday care. Hair oil should only be applied to wet or damp hair and a special serum for hair with silicone can be applied to the ends, which will prevent hair from splitting. 

    A novelty introduced to cosmetic wholesalers are scalp peelings. This is an important element of care because there are dead, keratinized cells on the scalp which block the penetration of valuable active ingredients contained in conditioners and hair shampoos. Such a peeling can be easily prepared at home. Just add 1-2 teaspoons of sugar crystals or ground coffee to the amount of shampoo applied to the head. After thorough rinsing, we have the skin prepared for further care treatments. This treatment can be performed 1 per week or as needed.