How to stop telogen hair loss?
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Hair loss is not only an affliction of the elderly. Men and women of all ages are affected. The causes of hair loss are not fully known. Sometimes, it is caused by nutrient deficiencies or improper care and sometimes it is a symptom of a disease. Fortunately, hair loss is not irreversible. How to stop hair loss?
When the first symptoms of excessive hair loss are observed, whether due to stress, overwork, the time of year, or arising under the influence of other independent factors, it is worth taking treatment, which will inhibit hair loss and at the same time stimulate its growth.
Hair loss is one of those problems that women have to face most often. In our offer, you will find products, which will help to cope with this troublesome problem and will allow you to take care of the condition of your hair effectively, such as: bristle hair brushes, loop brush and hair extension shampoo which will prevent static hair and will take care of its proper hydration.
Causes of excessive hair loss
The success of any treatment, whether curative or restorative, depends largely on determining the causes of the problem, which we want to combat. Removing the cause prevents the symptoms from getting worse. Of course, this is not always possible, for example in the case of chronic illness:
- hereditary factors (affect women and men),
- age,
- childbirth (many women experience increased hair loss within a few months after giving birth)
- long-lasting/severe illness (including influenza, pneumonia, diabetes, liver disease) or an operation (in this case a general weakening of the body is responsible for hair loss)
- stressful situations,
- frequent chemical treatments (dyeing, perms),
- seasonal changes (for example, hair falls out more often in autumn),
- scalp psoriasis,
- scalp infections,
- hair pulling - some people have the habit of pulling their hair and often do it unconsciously, for example in stressful situations, which weakens the hair and leads to increased hair loss; moreover, the problem of hair loss may appear in people who style their hair in high buns or ponytails, which require pulling the hair,
- deficiency of nutrients, especially biotin, zinc, iron, protein,
- exposure to toxic substances, for example lithium or mercury poisoning; excesses of certain nutrients, especially selenium and vitamin A, can also be toxic.
Hair loss and hormonal changes
Hormonal changes are a fairly common cause of hair loss, especially in women, although men may also notice such consequences (for example thyroid disorders). Furthermore, disorders of sexual hormones may also be involved. Quite typical is hair loss after women stop taking the contraceptive pill (in this case the symptom should disappear when the hormonal balance normalizes). Sometimes, however, a chronic disease such as polycystic ovary syndrome is responsible for the loss and thinning of hair.
Hair Loss and Medication
Pharmacotherapy may also be one of the causes of excessive hair loss. Of course, you should not discontinue a drug because of increased hair loss. However, you should consult your doctor about this symptom - it may be possible to change the medication or to stop the hair loss. It also happens that hair loss occurs only after the completion of the drug therapy. In this case, preparations, which stop this process and support the growth of new hair, are helpful.
Ways to Prevent Hair Loss
A high-quality, specialty drugstore shampoo is the cornerstone of your daily hair and scalp care. But in addition, it is good to remember these few rules, which will help you reduce hair loss:
- don't pull your hair - if you have this habit, try to control it, also avoid tight hair ties and high hairstyles,
- invest in a wide-tooth comb or brush that makes it easier to comb your hair to avoid pulling and breaking,
- limit coloring and perms,
- keep your diet varied and plant-based, including fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and oils
- take care of yourself - get enough sleep, find time for physical activity and relaxation, because stress is often behind body weakness.
Remember, that if the cause of hair loss is medical, you should consult a specialist, and reaching for dermocosmetic preparations is a complementary actionsone.
I was wondering what to put in the first item. Diet or hair wipes? I have to admit that I don't know which element is more important. Consider them ex aequo. A healthy diet really affects our body, face and hair. If you consume a lot of sugar, alcohol, fatty foods, you may be noticing a deterioration in your complexion. The same is true for your hair. Of course, not everyone has this, I know people who eat sweets without restriction and it does not affect their face or hair (lucky people). In addition, you need to provide your body with vitamins, elements and nutrients. Just limiting unhealthy foods is not enough. The diet must be rich so that the body can nourish and regenerate itself.
What to eat when your hair falls out?
- Vitamin A, stimulates hair follicles to grow, supports the processes of moisturizing hair and protecting it from the weather; you will find it in broccoli, pumpkin, cabbage, carrots, parsley, spinach, oranges, tomatoes
- Vitamin C, improves circulation, fights free radicals produced by stress and pollution; you will find it in citrus fruits, raspberries, bell peppers, parsley, spinach.
- Vitamin E, accelerates growth, improves hair hydration; you can find it in sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach, sunflower oil, berries, peppers.
- B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12), a lot of it and of course we do not have to take products with each of the B vitamins every day. The individual ones are responsible for the production of the building blocks of hair (B1, B2, B3, which we can find in botanicals, beets, carrots, lemon, parsley, spinach, among others); vitamin B5 is very important, it stimulates the production of keratin, and we can find it in potatoes, broccoli, avocado, bananas, oranges; B12 is a vitamin, which if constantly deficient can actually cause hair loss, so it is worth taking care to supply the body with it; it is found in meat, fish, milk, eggs
- Zinc, a zinc deficiency increases hair loss; zinc is found in tomatoes and wheat bran.
- Iron, which strengthens the hair structure, can be found in pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, wheat bran, eggs, beans and parsley
- selenium - is a strong antioxidant, removes excess free radicals, prevents hair from drying out; it can be found in pumpkin seeds, eggs, tuna, barley groats, broccoli and asparagus